Visiting us for the first time.
Visiting a church can be intimidating- What do they believe? What do I wear? How do I worship? Where do I sit?
Come by on Sunday at 10am and wear what is comfortable.
At Valley Community Church, you'll be greeted be a friendly face at the door.
Our sanctuary is a traditional style seating arrangement with pews. You can sit anywhere.
During the service, you are welcome to worship as you see fit. Raise your hands, sit, kneel, stand- this is a sacred space between you and God.
After service, we encourage you to stay a chat a bit. We are a loving, affirming community of believers.
Our goal, first and foremost, is to create a space where you can experience the loving embrace of our amazing God.
Sunday Service
We offer one weekend gathering designed to help you experience the presence of God in a loving community.
Start time: Sundays, 10am
19 Racetrack Rd.
Arenas Valley, NM 88061
Once you turn off of US-HWY 180 on to Racetrack Rd., you will continue driving down until you see a steeple on your left-hand side.
Head for the front doors of the church and we'll see you soon.